Monday, June 29, 2009

Una casa para mi?

Sara and I are fresh off a weekend of looking for places to live in Ann Arbor. I think everyone knows how frustrating this can be: despite attempting to do a lot of research prior to actually visiting a place, there's a lot of misses and very few hits. Sometimes, it's easy to tell almost instantly.

Mr. Landlord, you may think you have the greatest place ever, but I think it's a downstairs unit where I can already hear the neighbors overhead, it's on a busy street that will be a tremendous pain to turn into and out of, and it's half underground. When I can barely see because there is so little natural light, and I'm viewing the house at noon, I consider that to be a bad sign.

At this point, I'm always tempted to say, "Look, let's not waste time here. There is no way we're going to live here, so why don't we skip the tour of the second bedroom and just go our respective ways." Instead, I wander around and feign interest for about five minutes before bolting. Good times all around.

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